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Activities & Tours
High mountain soils as global warming indicators – (CANCELLED)

Dates: 22-24 May, 2024

Duration: three days. Departure and arrival both in Florence

Attendance Fee: € 450,00

Tour Programme: DOWNLOAD

Tour Leaders: Mauro De Feudis, William Trenti, Livia Vittori Antisari

Field trip goals: Evaluation of the key role of high mountain soils on organic carbon stock: influence of vegetation, topography and climate

Destination: Mount Cimone, Baccio lake, Sestola, Roccapelago

Soil-related topics: Stock and dynamics of soil organic carbon and their relationship with vegetation, topography and atmosphere

Other multidisciplinary topics: Climate change, land vulnerability, biodiversity

Location: Sestola-Mount Cimone (130 km from Florence)
Mount Cimone landscape
Soil under Vaccinium myrtillus of mount Cimone (Typic Haplorthod)
Baccio lake

Socio-cultural themes: Visiting in Sestola town, whose name derives from Sextus, a Roman general who governed the area. Close to mount Cimone, Sestola is located on a rocky spur perched at 1,020 m of altitude and crowned by an ancient fortress. Visiting the Roccapelago mummies, around 300 buried bodies including women, men and children who lived in XVI- XVIII centuries.

Town of Sestola
Roccapelago mummies